Connectify Pro Full + Keygen
Connectify Pro Full + Keygen
Size 7.32 MB
Connectify Pro Full + Keygen - The Connectify application will turn your Windows 7 laptop into a WiFi Hotspot to share the Internet with friends, co-workers, and mobile devices. Connectify is running in the Notification Tray next to the system clock. It might not be visible, because Windows 7 has cleaned up the Notification Tray to hide the icons that you don’t frequently use. If you click on the small white triangle it will show all of the icons, including the Connectify radio wave icon.
Connectify Pro Full + Keygen - When it is run in “Access Point” mode, Connectify is a real WiFi Access Point running on your computer. Any device that can connect to a regular access point, can connect to a Connectify Hotspot, with no special setup or software required.
When Connectify is run in “Ad Hoc” mode it sets everything up for you (Wireless card, Internet sharing, firewall, etc.) in one press of a button. It also provides advanced features like showing you what computers are connected to your network, and letting you right click them to Explore their shared drives and printers.
NOTE: Users can purchase the PRO version of the application (includes features like Share Wi-Fi from 3G/4G Networks, Fully-customizable SSID, AutoInternet selection or Simple Firewall Controls) here.
When Connectify is run in “Ad Hoc” mode it sets everything up for you (Wireless card, Internet sharing, firewall, etc.) in one press of a button. It also provides advanced features like showing you what computers are connected to your network, and letting you right click them to Explore their shared drives and printers.
NOTE: Users can purchase the PRO version of the application (includes features like Share Wi-Fi from 3G/4G Networks, Fully-customizable SSID, AutoInternet selection or Simple Firewall Controls) here.
Here are some key features of Connectify Pro Full + Keygen:
- Software-based Wireless Router - Take any intemet connection and share it wirelessly with no additional hardware.
- Connect with Mobile Devices - Easily connect any number ot WiFi enabled devices to your mobile network.
Computer Zone
DriverEasy Professional Full + Keygen
DriverEasy Professional Full + Keygen
Size 4.17 MB
DriverEasy Professional Full + Keygen is an application that you can use to locate missing drivers and download them on your computer. Once you initiate the program with the user-friendly interface, you can view system information that focuses on the machine, operating system, RAM, processors and motherboard. But you can also view data about hardware, such as video cards, monitors, hard disk, network card and audio card.
DriverEasy Professional Full + Keygen - So, all you have to do is initiate the scanning process and DriverEasy will start locating your missing drivers (e.g. keyboards, mice and other pointing devices, sound, video and game controllers, human interface devices, display adapters).
- Your One-Stop Driver Solution - Driver Easy is design for quickly and easy to identify unknown device’s drivers, and keep your driver in latest version. Much more, we have implement driver backup, driver restore, and driver uninstall feature, to ensure your driver secure and safe.
- Detect Unknown Device Driver - Driver Easy has a huge online database, which include over 100,000,000 hardware device’s driver, with it revolutionary driver detect engine, it help you download the unknown device driver, help you fix the driver issue.
- Keep Existing Driver Up-to-Date - With our daily update driver database, your system will improve the performance, fix the blue screen problem, add more enhance feature by install the latest drivers.
- Backup & Restore Drivers - Do not worry about it if you lost the driver disc, Driver Easy can backup the driver your current installed, you can restore it after system reload. This is an benefit feature if you not sure are the new driver compatible your system or not, you can backup existing driver, and roll-back it later.
- Uninstall Removed Hardware Driver - When you replace the graphic card, do you know Windows still keep your old one driver, and will launch it each time, when Windows start up. This will case the system slowing boot up, and may case some system conflict. Driver Easy allow you uninstall the removed hardware, to clean up your system.
Computer Zone
Runtime GetDataBack for NTFS & FAT 4.32 Full + Crack
Runtime GetDataBack for NTFS & FAT 4.32 Full + Crack
Size 5.08 MB
Runtime GetDataBack for NTFS & FAT 4.32 Full + Crack is a highly advanced data recovery software, which will help you to get your data back when your drive’s partition table, boot record, Master File Table or root directory is corrupt or lost, when a virus has hit the drive, files were deleted, the drive was formatted or struck by a power failure. GetDataBack comes in two flavours, NTFS and FAT depending on what file system you have.
Runtime GetDataBack for NTFS & FAT 4.32 Full + Crack will recover your data if the hard drives partition table, boot record, FAT/MFT or root directory are lost or damaged, data was lost due to a virus attack, the drive was formatted, fdisk has been run, a power failure has caused a system crash, files were lost due to a software failure, files were accidentally deleted. GetDataBack can even recover your data when the drive is no longer recognized by Windows. It can likewise be used even if all directory information – not just the root directory- is missing. GetDataBack can even recover your data when the drive is no longer recognized by Windows. It can likewise be used even if all directory information – not just the root directory- is missing.
Runtime GetDataBack for NTFS & FAT 4.32 Full + Crack - The tool works at partition level and will restore files and folders exactly how they used to be. It recovers data from floppy and ZIP disks, drive images and even remote drives connected by a serial cable or TCP/IP. As the name says, it restores files from FAT/ NTFS disks – file system used by Windows NT/2000/XP, yet works on all Windows systems. Make sure you never install the program on the to-be-recovered drive and you will never lose important data. Advanced algorithms will make sure that all directories and sub directories are put together as they were, and that long file names are reconstructed correctly. GetDataBack is read-only, meaning the program will never attempt to write to the drive you are about to recover. Please make sure to read the safety instructions.
Runtime GetDataBack for NTFS & FAT 4.32 Full + Crack - The software enables the regular user to conduct his own data recovery by guiding him through three easy to understand steps, thus gives the advanced user the possibility to interfere with the recovery and improve the results, by examining the scan log, the file system details, file and directory information, by selecting the sector range to be scanned, by choosing excessive search for file systems or search for lost files, by calling Runtimes DiskExplorer. Recover files over your local network or over a serial cable – This feature enables you to run GetDataBack on one computer (remote) while accessing the drives of another computer (host). Recovering data over a network is useful, especially when you are not able to remove the drive you want to recover from and attach it to another computer.
Runtime GetDataBack for NTFS & FAT 4.32 Full + Crack recovers from:
- Hard drives (IDE, SCSI, SATA).
- USB drives.
- Firewire drives.
- Partitions.
- Dynamic Disks.
- Floppy drives.
- Drive images.
- Zip/Jaz drive.
- Compact Flash Cards.
- Smart Media Cards.
- Secure Digital Cards.
- USB Flash Drive.
- iPod Disks.
Computer Zone
Bad Piggies 1.0.0 Full Preactivated
Bad Piggies 1.0.0 Full Preactivated
Size 44 MB
Bad Piggies 1.0.0 Full Preactivated merupakan game terbaru yang dirilis oleh Rovio. Bad Piggies 1.0.0 Full Preactivated adalah sebuah permainan balas dendam para babi yang menjadi objek kemarahan para burung dalam Angry Bird. Dalam Bad Piggies 1.0.0 Full Preactivated, para babi tidak akan menembaki para burung, namun para pemain diharuskan membuat kendaraan/menerbangkannya untuk membantu karakter babi mencuri telur para burung hingga ke garis finish. Bad Piggies 1.0.0 Full Preactivated ini game full version jadi anda tidak memerlukan serial, crack, patch, keygen, dll tinggal install langsung menjadi full version dan anda tinggal memainkannya saja. Silahkan download sob Bad Piggies 1.0.0 Full Preactivated nya...!
Minimum system requirements:
- OS Windows XP SP2.
- RAM 512MB.
- CPU 1 GHz.
- Graphic OpenGL 1.3 compatible.
- Internet Connection required for activation.
Game God Of War 2 For PC
Game God Of War 2 For PC adalah game yang sedikit berdasarkan mitologi yunani. Kali ini saya ingin menshare Game God Of War 2 For PC yang sudah banyak meraih penghargaan dan termasuk juga mendapatkan penghargaan " Game of the year " dari academy of interactive art and sciences, bila sebuah game telah mendapatkan banyak perghargaan sudah pasti gamenya sangat menarik. Anda bisa lihat gambar dibawah ini Game God Of War 2 For PC nya...!
Farm Frenzy 3 American Pie
Farm Frenzy 3 American Pie adalah game tentang peternakan ayam, domba, sapi, anjing, kucing dan juga ada mesin pemotong rumputnya. Peternakannya selalu diganggu oleh beruang untuk memangsa binatang peliharaan kita. Hasil dari ternak ayam telurnya bisa kita olah sendiri untuk makanan atau mau kita jual, begitu pula dengan domba dan sapi. Cukup asyik juga game ini untuk dimainkan, tanpa basa-basi lagi sob silahkan download gamenya bagi yang berminat...!
Desert Storm 2 Back To Baghdad
Desert Storm II Back To Baghdad adalah nama pasukan tentara Amerika "Operation Desert Storm" atau "Operasi Badai Gurun". Desert Storm II Back To Baghdad game yang berlatar Perang Irak atau Perang Teluk yang terjadi pada tahun 2002 dimana pasukan tentara Amerika memiliki tugas khusus untuk membela Kuwait yang menentang invasi Irak ke negara kaya minyak tersebut. Dan dengan didukung oleh pasukan-pasukan elit tempur, sniper, spesialis senjata berat, dll. Ada 10 misi dalam game ini untuk mencapai tujuan operasi khusus tersebut, jadi lebih seru bila ada misi-misi tertentu...!
Bang Bang Racing 2012
Bang Bang Racing 2012 adalah game racing terbaru yang dirilis pada tanggal 8 juni 2012, game ini sangat menarik untuk dimainkan, kwalitas grafiknya pun begitu menarik kental akan nuansa kartun yang menawan. Bagi anda yang gemar akan game balapan tidak ada salahnya untuk mencoba game racing terbaru ini Bang Bang Racing 2012, tanpa basa-basi langsung aja didownload...!
- OS: Microsoft Windows 7/Vista/XP.
- Processor:AMD/Intel dual-core processor running at 2.0 GHz.
- Memory:1024 MB RAM.
- Graphics:ATI/nVidia graphic card with at least 128MB of dedicated VRAM and with at least DirectX 9.0c and Shader Model 3.0 support. ATI Radeon HD 3600 series and NVIDIA Geforce 8600GT.
- DirectX®:9.0c.
- Hard Drive:300 MB HD space.
- Sound:Integrated or dedicated DirectX 9 compatible soundcard.
SMS Bomber for Android Mobile
Android is one of the open source operating system running on many mobiles, its of course loaded with many applications like SMS Bomber. It is basically an program which performs the task of text spamming for any mobile. It can be prank to impress friends or to irritate enemies.
Most of the free text spammer is not working in countries like India, Pakistan and so. This is first on web application for Android (apk) I am sharing on this blog. I have described about two mobile apps, one is for normal java mobiles and another is for Androids.
Note : This article is only meant for knowledge purpose, its advised to use this service for just small pranks only. For any misusing we are not responsible.
This is just an apk you need to download and install in your mobile, the further process is very easy for you to understand. But its highly noticeably that the texts which is sent to the victims mobile are not free. So, before using this text spamming software make sure that you have plans unlimited so that you will not face any further balance related problems 
Mobile Zone,
SMS Bomber
Download Voice Changer App for Android & iPhone
We all like to play pranks with friends as well as enemies, what if you want to amaze people around by changing their or your owns voice, well that’s now possible with the peak technology applications for your Smart Phones which works on Android as well as iPhone (iOS) operating system. These are simply called Voice Changer Applications for your Android Mobile that can work wonders for you guys. The process is much simple and easy to follow, its just record, change and make fun! Isn’t that sounding cool to you, then check out below mentioned short description and apps to download free.
Well! there are many applications available for your Android as well as iPhone which can easily change your or others voice in very funny manner, some of them I have listed below listing out their peak features and how they work and all kinda information which you will require.
Mobile Zone